
Omg något är allvarligt fel. På två veckor har jag inte sovit mer än max 2 timmar per kväll =/ Jag börjar bli galen =S jag vill sova, jag vet att jag är trött men fan varför somnar jag inte för =S lösningen kanske blir sömntabletter snart för jag vill sova =(


I love being held. I love when I am in someones arms, and I know that they would do anything for me. yea, I know its selfish but that is what I love. I love waking up to someone and smiling and having them smile back. When you are cold, and you are sharing a blanket and you have their sweatshirt on. your hair is all a mess and your breath smells and you nuzzle up to their neck and they nuzzle you back and wrap their arms around you. and you smile. And fall right back asleep.

I love walking into a room and he smiles back at you, you work your way over, making googiley eyes just for fun until you reach him, and then he wraps you in a big hug and you say hi and act like you haven’t seen each other in ages. That is a great feeling.

Feeling the rush of his lips trail down your body, covering every spot of skin. Giving in to him, giving him what you both want. Feeling like one. Knowing your love will not fade. Knowing giving him that will make him keep you forever, just as you want.

The happy moments, the secret smiles. Going out with his family and saying something they don’t get, but he gives me that look that tells me he got it and he found it funny. Him telling me how beautiful I am in front of his family. Them looking at us and seeing how much we adore each other. The feeling of pride when his mom tells me she is happy her son has found someone so worth his love.

The tears after a big fight. And then him rushing over to dry them with kisses, not being able to sleep until he knows I am better.

The silent way people drift apart, the way the secret smiles fade. The fights end in crying with no one to hold you. the way your world seems to collapse, but you know this isn’t the way its supposed to be.

YELLING AT HIM TO FIX IT. even though you know you did more damage than he did.

After the break up, the feeling of betray as you look at another guy. Knowing you shouldn’t be looking, you don’t belong to them. knowing he still doesn’t look at anyone but you.

When you hang out, the way his eyes watch yours,the way they say sorry, the way you know he wants to kiss you and make all the pain go away. Trying your hardest not to cry because he refuses to become a couple together.

Being completely in love with him. and him with you.

Being best friends.

Him thinking he is not good enough, so he wants you to find someone that is.

You refusing to find someone else because you want him.

The complications. The tears. The heartache.

The feeling of love through it all.


Do you remember what I was when we first met? I'd built walls around my heart, gated them, and thrown away the key. I had been hurt, I told you from the beginning. I'd been used, tricked, played with, but most of all, hurt. I thought it best to never fall in love again. So I locked my heart.

You figured it out quite soon. I said don't fall in love with me. I cannot fall in love with you. I won't. I'm too hurt, too damaged, too afraid to go through all of this once more. I'd decided love was just a scam. So we became friends, and that was okay with me, and with you. And it was all nice and comforting and I let myself trust you.

You would listen to me for hours, as we talked about everything and nothing. You learned why I wasn't willing to let anyone love me, and though you said you would never do that kind of a thing to me, I wasn't ready to trust you to test it out. I kept my walls intact even when I started remembering where I'd thrown the key. It was the only way to keep myself from falling in love.
But then something happened. I woke up a year ago and realised that I love you. And you said you love me, and you cannot promise we will be forever but you can promise not to hurt me. I believed you. I still didn't realize how I'd come to love you, how you came to find the key to my heart.

Now I know. You didn't find the key. You broke into my heart, and I let you. Just don't break my heart.

love you

I've been staying up all night.

I have no stories about wonderful meeting, fingers twisting my hair, hands around hips. I don't know your smell or warmth or what clothes you're wearing.
I haven't ever met you, but I think I love you.

Maybe it was good you went on vacation, because that gave me time to think about you and me. And suddenly I just realized how much I really like you.

I couldn't sleep tonight, so I started the computer. I walked with my bare feet over the cold cold floor, wearing only underwear and huge knitted cardigan.

And I wanted to write you.

Tell you how I started crying when you said you think you liked me, how I think about you every day and every hour, how happy you make me even if you don't understand, because you're simply so nice to me.
My first love was the most horrible thing that had ever happened to me.
You made me recover. When I started talking to you I forgot everything.

Do you realize how big it is?
Do you even understand how affected you can be by someone you haven't met?
And I was sitting in my loneliness, with you too many miles away, crying, scared by the thought that you share the city dreams and kisses with someone else.
I wanted to write a whole novel about it.
Everything I said was that I liked you.

I like you.

No. I don't like you.
You're the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me.

But you don't know.
You haven't even gotten my message yet.

I hope you'll go online later. So you'll see.

I'm so nervous. I couldn't sleep.

And if you do.

I'll tell you.
I love you.


I en ordbok förklaras otrohet så här: "att icke vara trogen, att bryta den trohet som man är pliktig att visa någon". Men i verkligheten är det svårare att definiera vad otrohet betyder.

Alla har sin egen idé om vad otrohet är och var gränsen för otrohet går. För vissa räcker det med att ens partner tänker på en annan. En del drar gränsen vid en kyss, medan andra drar gränsen vid sexuellt umgänge, men även där kan det finnas olika definitioner. Är en natt med någon annan lika mycket otrohet som att träffa en annan person regelbundet?

Gränserna för otrohet kan även variera från förhållande till förhållande. I en del förhållanden kan man komma överens om att man får träffa andra, medan man i andra förhållanden inte ens vill se sin partner med en annan person.

Om du själv vet var du tycker att gränsen går för otrohet blir det lättare att prata med din partner. Även om ni är kära och lyckliga i början av förhållandet, och tanken på att någon skulle vilja träffa någon annan känns avlägsen, kan det vara bra att i alla fall ha pratat om hur ni förhåller er till otrohet.
Det kan hända vem som helst och även den som aldrig trodde att den skulle vara otrogen kan ändra sig.

Det är aldrig roligt att få veta att ens partner har varit otrogen. För många kommer det som en chock. Beskedet kan vara svårt även om du har haft misstankar. Det är viktigt att du tar dig tid och tänker igenom hur du vill göra. Många som har varit otrogna ångrar sig och vill ha en ny chans. Det är upp till dig att känna om du orkar med det eller inte.

Att lägga skulden på sig själv är också vanligt. Tankar som: "om jag bara hade varit mer kärleksfull", "om jag bara hade sagt att jag älskade honom oftare" eller "om jag bara hade varit lite trevligare", kan göra att det känns ännu svårare. Försök prata med vänner som har varit med om samma sak. Stötta varandra. Om du mår väldigt dåligt kan det hjälpa att prata med en psykolog.

våga bara

Har varit i Grekland en vecka nu. skönt att komma bort med min älskade Sofia, trist med dåligt väder men vi gjorde det bästa utav situationen =)

Men iallafall jag är borta en vecka och han har gjort de dummaste jag tror han någonsin gjort. Jay du vet att jag pratar om dig och det du gjort. Fan tackar du ja och åker kommer jag aldrig förlåta dig =( </3 (krossat hjärta)
Du får inte åka and so help me god jag kommer göra allt för att du inte ska åka. Jag kommer kedjar fast dig och hänga 100 lås på och slänga iväg nycklarna.
I know you wanna do something like that men snälla (för min och din familjs skull) don't do it ='(

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